Our Engineering Department is comprised of professionals with diverse civil, land planning, environmental and structural backgrounds. We provide services primarily to municipalities and private developers, many who have repeatedly entrusted us with giving life to their great ideas. At this point in time, the land entailing the fewest obstacles has already been developed. As our Director of Engineering and CEO, Patrick Scordo PE says, “the easy projects are already done.” This is why you need an engineering partner who rises to the challenge and can provide creative design solutions unique to the specific needs of the project. This environment has molded an innovative team. You can count on us to remain a committed partner from the funding acquisition and engineering study stage to project completion. At GYMO, we want you to be confident in your investments, which is why we believe some of the most important work happens prior to the project’s inception including conceptual drawings to determine site feasibility and funding acquisition.

Parks and Recreation
Public Housing Authorities
Health Care Facilities
Private Developers
Religious Institutions
Services Provided
Water Facilities
Distribution & Treatment Systems
Source and Transmission Facilities
Meter Pits
District Formation
Sanitary Sewer Systems:
Gravity & Force Main Piping
Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems
Pumping Stations
District Formation
Site Development Engineering:
Site Development Plans & Approvals
Subdivision Planning
State Environmental Quality Review
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Drainage Facilities Design
Services Provided
Water Facilities
Distribution & Treatment Systems
Source and Transmission Facilities
Meter Pits
District Formation
Sanitary Sewer Systems:
Gravity & Force Main Piping
Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems
Pumping Stations
District Formation
Site Development Engineering:
Site Development Plans & Approvals
Subdivision Planning
State Environmental Quality Review
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Drainage Facilities Design